Until recently, programming languages have been developed with little consideration for programming environments and tools, with the notable exception of Smalltalk, which was co-developed with an elaborate environment from the start. Murphy-Hill and Grossman note in their paper "How Programming Languages Will Co-evolve with Software Engineering: A Bright Decade Ahead" (Future of Software Engineering, 2014) that this situation is changing, and provide seven predictions on the convergence of programming languages and software engineering (or, more precisely, programming environments and tools) in the next decade.
They predict that future programming languages will be designed with integrated development environments (IDEs) and social networks in mind. One example they give for the former is the addition of dot notation to F#, allowing a syntax such as x.Length in addition to the functional length(x). (Note, though, that in F# these have different meanings.) The authors claim that the primary benefit of this notation is the ability of the IDE to provide code-completion for method (or function) names when typing "x."; this facility doesn't (yet) exist for the functional notation. I have my doubts about this being the major reason for the inclusion of members in F#, but it could certainly be a reason for introducing dot notation as syntactic sugar for function calls in new languages.
Another prediction is that source code will no longer be limited to a single sequence of characters, instead being replaced by multiple simultaneous views. Multiple views are already available through the use of various tools; what I would call refactor-and-undo is probably the most widely used method, but there are various tools specifically targeted at showing multiple views of a program. These multiple views can be stored together as the official representation of the program, instead of being generated from a single "ground truth" consisting of ASCII (or unicode) strings.
Murphy-Hill and Grossman expect that future language design will be influenced by controlled experiments on how programmers use language features and to what extent. With the widespread availability of open-source projects, it is possible to study this rigorously, and select language features based on what really works "in the wild." This is already happening to some extent with existing languages, such as C#. I would advocate some care when using this method, since we know that some programming features take a long time to achieve adoption; a case in point is functional-programming techniques (see the last prediction below). We should be careful not to eliminate good ideas just because they don't receive a wide following in the short term.
Turning to other technologies, the next prediction is that formal verification will become a reality for developers, rather than being limited to a small group of highly experienced researchers. This will require the development of proof assistants that are stronger and more usable than those available today. Obviously, there is a lot of work to be done before the use of formal verification becomes widespread, but advances in this area provide some support for the authors' optimism.
Gradual typing is a technique that allows developers to write programs with little or no type information. As the programs mature, types can be added in order to raise the level of confidence in the correctness of the program by making more properties statically checkable. Murphy-Hill and Grossman predict that gradual typing will become more widespread in new programming languages, and will expand to include properties that can be expressed as types but aren't available in popular contemporary languages.
Existing programming languages are being used in new domains, such as parallel and distributed programming and big data, even though these languages aren't particularly suited to these domains. The success of Erlang is an example of how well a language built from the ground up to support distributed computation can do when applied appropriately. Murphy-Hill and Grossman predict that newer languages will focus more on new paradigms at the expense of traditional single-user (and often still single-threaded) applications.
This is related to the final prediction, which is that functional-progrmming concepts will become more widespread, and the distinction between functional and imperative (or object-oriented) programming will be more and more blurred. This trend is already happening, with the introduction of function objects ("lambdas") into popular languages such as C++, Java, C#, and Ruby, and with mixed languages such as Scala. First-class function objects are one primary feature of functional programming; the other is the use of immutable data, which is particularly important in distributed applications.
There is a recent (and not so recent) body of work that points in the direction of each of these predictions. Unfortunately, there are many influences on the design of programming languages, and various features of currently-popular languages were not really designed but added without serious consideration. I am therefore not quite as optimistic as the authors; however, the points they make are insightful and the paper is well-worth reading. Be sure to put a link to the paper in your 2024 calendar, in order to see which of the predictions will be realized by then!
Thoughts about software development and related issues.
The views expressed here are my own and do not necessarily reflect those
of my employer, IBM.
Agile development
cognitive systems
Data science
Design by contract
ECMAScript Harmony
Extreme Programming
Formal specification
Functional programming
Integrated Development Environments
Java 8
Jupyter notebooks
Liskov Substitution Principle
Programming languages